Tillky Limited

September, 2019

Information about The Website

This website is a portfolio for Tillky Limited, an engineering company in the telecoms industry. This is the 1st website I have made for a client, so this README lists some useful information about building the site, including the technologies and resources I used and any other details about the process that I might find useful in the future. I spent a while on this website and enjoyed creating it, everything I did was pretty new to me so when it all worked it was satisfying!

File Structure

  • index.html
  • about.html
  • projects.html
  • contact.html
  • styles

    • about-style.css
    • contact-style.css
    • index-style.css
    • projects-style.css
  • scripts

    • app.js
    • particles.min.js
  • images

    • photos for the website, including backgrounds, slideshow images and logos

Technologies Used

Bootstrap: I used some bootstrap in this project, mostly for the navigation, to make it responsive and easy to manage. I'm not a hige fan of bootstrap, I had problems when trying to override colours, having to resort to bad practises to get what I wanted. In the future, I might look into Tailwind CSS, which I've heard is a lightweight css framework that a lot of developers enjoy using.

Particles js: This small JavaScript library adds movement to a page that could otherwise come across as static and boring. I used the library for a subtle effect on the homepage and in the footer. Particles js