Greasby Opticians

July, 2020

Information about The Website

This website is the face of Greasby Opticians, a buisness in Greasby, England. I created the site using Vue js, Gridsome and Tailwind CSS. I solely developed this site, from creating the Github repository, to connecting Netlify CMS to the site and pointing their domain to Netlify, where the site is deployed.

Technologies Used

  • Tailwind CSS is a low-level CSS framework that allows you to build responsive css with html classes.
  • Gridsome is a jamstack static site generator for vue, it allows you to use any cms, markdown and many forms of data to build websites that can be deployed on Github and hosted on Netlify or a similar host.
  • Vue is a JavaScript framework that is easy to use and build websites out of components and intergrate functionality into a site with ease.